Storytelling is a universal, traditional art form, that has featured strongly in all cultures as an effective communication tool.
Important messages can be so skilfully conveyed through storytelling, as the listener is so entranced by the magic images the storyteller paints before your eyes.
And it is in this way that we as educators of young children can promote their learning.
They can develop:
•An understanding of human nature.
•An understanding of feelings.
•An awareness of the role characteristics people assume.
•An understanding of sequence.
•Language skills (vocabulary, grammar, syntax and pronunciation).
•Their attention span and their ability to listen.
•Their ability to follow instructions.
•Their ability to co-operate with others; and
•An understanding of concepts.
Strategies To Consider When Telling Stories
Young children are unclear about the boundaries between fantasy and reality, and for this reason it is important to make a clear distinction of entering another world before the storytelling begins.
Tell the children that you are going to another place (name it what you like) without leaving the room and that both you and the children will be different people / creatures / characters.
To add to this distinction it can help to have a process to make this journey possible. For example: You may need to ask them to close their eyes and take a few deep breaths, whilst you say some spell, play an instrument, dim the lights or whatever suits your situation.
And then with a snap you are in the world of stories and you can lead your children off on any kind of adventure. Children learn through concrete experiences – so involve the children as much as possible.
Use props (something tangible to add to their belief).